Friday, September 10, 2010


Today we bid farewell to Vienna and arrived in the nearby (about 50 km) town of Wiener Neustadt, home of the Theresianische Militärakademie, where the other cadets and I will be studying/training until December. As I reflected on Vienna, I thought about one of my favorite activities there: night-walking. I loved just going out in the city at about 10 at night and just walking around, sometimes with people and sometimes alone. I feel that walking the city streets at night is a great way to see the city for what it is, and not just for all of the wonderful tourist attractions. I enjoyed it so much that I was inspired to write a poem about it, which I included below. Special thanks to my brother Joe and my fiancee Michelle for the poetic advice.

By Dan Kurber

I slip on my shoes and lock up my door
and wonder where my feet will take me.
It’s time for my post-dusk tradition,
It’s time to go night-walking.
Now walking the streets at night
might seem dangerous to some.
But in Vienna I’m not worried,
I feel quite safe night-walking.
I see some high school kids in the park.
Youthful screams and muffled laughter
between drags on cheap cigarettes
paying no mind to my night-walking.
Do their parents know where they are?
After all, it’s a school night.
Oh well, I’m not their dad,
plus I’m rather busy, night-walking.
I walk by an open Kebab stand.
Greasy meat and creamy cucumber sauce.
“Mit alles und scharf, bitte.”
I’ll burn the calories night-walking.
I reach a stretch of bars,
light from the doors and windows illuminating
the backs of tired people sleepily smoking.
I quicken my pace, night-walking.
Past brightly strobing discotheques,
excited twenty-somethings buzzing about girls,
shouting drunkenly over the too-loud music.
I wade through, happily night-walking.
As I hear the familiar scratch of my feet
against my driveway’s rough concrete,
I thank my shoes for the trip and wonder
where I’ll go next, night-walking.

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