Thursday, September 30, 2010


On Wednesday the other cadets and I competed in Sportfest. We ran the Schwedenstaffel, which is a relay where the first man runs 400 meters, the next 300 meters, then 200 meters, and then I ran the final leg, which was 100 meters. We did not win. In fact, we got last place in our heat (although I think we beat another team in the first heat). As it turns out, even though many of these Austrians smoke, all of them run... a lot... and fast. I felt bad for losing so badly, but none of the Austrians in our Jahrgang (class) cared, they all told us we did great and that it was at least funny for them to watch. Luckily, even though we lost our race, enough of our teams won that we were able to get second place. After the medals ceremony, the party really started and we filled the 2nd place trophy up and everybody took a drink. Somehow over the course of the night I ended up holding on to the trophy for around 45 minutes. People kept shouting "Lehmann!" (the name of our Jahrgang) and adding more to the trophy. Some of the Austrians are fallschimmspringer jäger (Airborne infantry), and since I am branching infantry and am Airborne qualified we began pumping our fists, high-fiving, and shouting "Airborne Infantry!" at the top of our lungs. All in all, it was a great night.

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